Phoenix Bhramayana - Miss Washington Parish Teen USA 2023

We asked Phoenix a few questions about the upcoming Miss Louisiana Teen USA pageant that she will be competing in.

How are you feeling about the pageant now all the contestants have been announced and it’s getting closer? Now that the pageant is getting closer, I am getting a little anxious, but mostly I am excited to meet everyone in person! I can’t wait to get to know them better! I am thrilled to step on stage and give it my best shot, nerves and all!

How has your prep been building up to Miss Louisiana USA? My pageant prep has gone smoothly with so much support and help from my family and friends. Including my family from Thailand! Everyone loves to give me advice. They have helped me gain so much confidence and step out of my comfort zone. I couldn’t do this without them.

What are you most excited about? I am most excited about the interview! I am always looking forward to sharing my interests, life, plans, and stories with the judges! Also because when I start talking, I don’t stop!

Are there any sponsors/partners you want to give a shoutout to? Some of my most supportive sponsors are my parents, Tom and Ashley Bhramayana, my acting coach, Jency Hogan, Eyewander Photography, and my pageant coach, Kim Vicknair.