Ashley Guan - Miss Metairie USA 2023

We asked Ashley a few questions about the upcoming Miss Louisiana USA pageant that she will be competing in.

How are you feeling about the pageant now all the contestants have been announced and it’s getting closer? I’m feeling a lot of emotions! I’m pumped but nervous. Truthfully, because of my busy schedule, there are days where I’m not thinking about it. On the other hand, there’s days I’m overthinking every minute. It’s my first pageant and it’s feeling more real since everyone’s been announced. I’m so ready to meet new people! To be transparent, it’s hard not to compare myself. These women are absolutely gorgeous. However, I have to remind myself that it’s about uplifting, supporting and empowering one another. We all have the same motives and goals to be a leader and the change in the world. There’s no need to feel insecure or intimated! I know life long friendships will come from this. I can’t wait.

How has your prep been building up to Miss Louisiana USA? I have been prepping last minute. I wanted to go with the flow but I also want to prepare. Working out has been in my routine prior entering the competition, so it’s been extra motivating when I go to the gym now because I have a goal in mind. My eating habits could be better. I have most of my outfits packed! I just bought my swimsuit from Neveah Couture today! I also love that the competition is in my hometown, so I don’t have to worry about traveling.

What are you most excited about? I am the excited about doing something for myself the most. Growing up, I was insecure about my image. I’ve had family members say I was too “ugly” to be in a pageant. Meanwhile, my older and younger sister competed. It was very discouraging. Through my testimony and faith in Christ, I’ve gain so much self confidence and love. I entered the pageant to get out of my comfort zone and make my younger self proud. I learned that pageants aren’t about the outside beauty but what’s within. I am excited about sharing a message and hope to those who struggle with self love. I want to inspire just at-least one person to do something that’ll push, challenge and make theirselves proud. I want to be a voice for the voiceless.

Are there any sponsors/partners you want to give a shoutout to? I’d like to shout out @a.guanphoto and @byhislight_ (on Instagram) Both of these businesses are operated by me! On top of teaching 8th graders, I am a wedding and portrait photographer. I am my own CEO of a non profit fighting against human trafficking. I have the mission to spread awareness and prevention for the human sex trafficking industry through social media, fashion and prayer. I completely sponsored myself and couldn’t be more proud. I hope to share more about human trafficking through this platform. Lately, I’d like to shoutout to Pageant Realm for this interview and opportunity!