FEATURED QUEEN: Ava Martin Interview

FEATURED QUEEN: Ava Martin Interview

Inteview by DanielB


Photo Credits: Jesse D. Poole Photography (pageant night photos), Ava Martin (appearance photos)

Daniel B: Let’s start by introducing yourself: who are you, your current title, and any previous titles you’ve held?

Ava: I started in pageants when I was really little, really little and then I took a long break and then I competed for Princess America when I was 11 and I won National Pre-teen in 2018. And it’s so funny because that’s where me and Leanna actually met. She was the National Junior Teen the year before I won National Pre-teen. So that was kind of a full circle moment. I’m 16 now so that was a long time ago, but I’m the current Miss Louisiana Teen Volunteer. I’m a sophomore in high school. And I’ve got 40, I think it’s 41 days, or 40 days ’till nationals. So, we are on a good time crunch!

Do you remember your first “big girl” pageant? Maybe we can go back to when you competed in Princess America when you were 10, do you happen to remember that?

I do! It was in Bossier at, like, a Holiday Inn and Miss Ann [Harmon] was actually the director of this pageant. And we went into it just for fun because Miss Ann had given me free entry into it. So. we went into it and we’re like, “I’m not going to win, but we’re just doing it for fun.” I was 10 years old. And I was in fourth grade. And then I won and I was like, “Oh, this is good!” And then I found out we had to go to Orlando for nationals. And so, we went to Orlando and then I won that one and I was like, “Whoa, I like this!” So, that was my first, like. national pageant, for sure. But I took a long break until I was about, <hmm…> I would say 14, and then I started getting back into them, just doing like Miss Minden, and things like that. And then last year was my first “real” teen pageant. I did Miss Louisiana Teen Volunteer last year. And then I did my high school pageant last March. Also got first runner-up there. And then came back and won this title. So, I’ve been in the game for a little bit.

So when you were 10 years old you just joined for fun?

Yeah, just to have another hobby.

Let us get to know Ava outside of pageants. Do you have extra-curricular activities?

Yeah, so at school I’m a Louisi-Annes dance line member, so that’s my school’s dance line. We dance at football and basketball games. I absolutely love it. Like, this is my first year being on the team, and it is so fun. I love everyone on there. And then aside from that, I do dance at a studio. So I’m dancing like five days a week, literally, all the time, and I actually teach dance classes at my dance studio too. So, that’s really fun. I’m also involved in a tennis team at my school. I love playing tennis. I’m not really that good, but it’s fun. It’s a great exercise when I’m not dancing all the time. And then I love to shop, obviously, and, you know, talk to Jules. I just talk to Jules all the time. But when I’m not doing, like, pageant prep or appearances. I’m probably either dancing or I’m out with my friends just having fun, you know.


What are your plans after High School?

I plan to attend Mississippi State University, which, you know, Anna-Katherine [Thompson] goes there. To pursue a degree in holistic medicine and nutrition, because I want to be a holistic nutritionist. So, kind of a more organic approach to dieting. And then, I also want to be on the Hail State Dance team there. I’ve actually gone to a clinic a few months ago, and it was so fun. I love everyone on the team. So, that’ll be really fun. And my brother and his girlfriend also go there and just the campus is really fun. beautiful. So those are my plans after and obviously, still competing in pageantry and all that.

Awesome! I remember you mentioning in your on-stage question that you share a lot of things in common with Sadie Robertson [Huff], and one of those was your family being on reality TV. Talk about that?

Yes, so, in 2020 we were selected – our town, Minden, where I’m from – was selected for a TV show with HGTV and they did a series, it’s called “Hometown Kickstart,” that was the series, and Minden had its own episode and they remodeled a business, a house, and a public park. So, they remodeled one of the city council members’ houses and then, they remodeled my mom’s restaurant. They were here filming, I think, for like, three weeks, about a month. I got really close with some of the producers, and had a great time! And they remodeled the restaurant. So, my mom’s dining room is like brand new, HGTV did it all. So yeah, it was a really cool experience, and having that in common with Sadie really makes me feel cool. <laughing>

You mentioned that your mom owns a restaurant. That’s fascinating! What restaurant is that? (We’re going to have a shameless plug of your mom’s restaurant! <giggling>)


Yes, so, my mom owns Geaux Fresh. It’s G-E-A-U-X, like the Cajun way to spell it. So, Geaux Fresh and everything she serves is made from scratch and made from fresh ingredients, you know, we’re not really big on preservatives or anything. So, her restaurant was actually what inspired my platform, “Revive: Healing in Motion.” 80% or more like 90% of her employees are women coming out of faith-based Recovery Programs and Teen Challenge and they’ve dealt with addiction before. I’ve always grown up being in that environment when I was little. The restaurant, funny story, the restaurant actually started out of our house. It first was just a take-home business. So, people would come to our house, pick up their meals and take them home, and cook or heat them up. And we would have seven refrigerators lined up in one of the rooms. Seven refrigerators full of food! <laughing> And then, we finally got the building and started the restaurant. But it’s been really cool! Everybody knows me because I work at Geaux Fresh in the summers! It’s been really fun and it’s pretty cool because all of my friends at school want my lunch, because my mom makes me a really good lunch for school. So they get jealous that I’m just like, “It’s perks of your mom owning a restaurant!” laugh.

Going back to our conversation about pageants. Days before the pageant, all of the contestants in Miss Louisiana Teen Volunteer and Miss Louisiana Volunteer made Instagram Reels introducing themselves and their action plans. Let’s go in-depth with yours. You said that your first action plan is you “maintain the social media presence [you’ve] already developed by posting impacting stories through reels and feed posts.” Let’s talk about your social media presence.

Yeah, so my social media presence, I really try to maintain a real and authentic presence on social media just because social media can be very deceiving and… creates unrealistic standards, so I want my social media to be a safe place for people to come and feel loved and appreciated. I’ve worked really hard to make sure that my social media isn’t just to highlight reel, I said that in my video, I post about relevant issues in my life like my skin problems, you know, we all deal with that and just you know, I’m a teenager I still struggle with things like any other teenager. I don’t you know, my life isn’t perfect just because I have a crown and all that. But yeah, my social media presence and accounts in general or something really important to me! It’s something that I have built up over the past year and a half and I’m very proud of it!

For some young people, the digital space (internet and social media) is not just a medium of communication but a continent where they live. How important, in your opinion, is social media for the youth?

Yeah, social media for the youth, in specific, I think it’s a great way for us to be inspired and encouraged by other creators and influencers on social media But it’s also important to set boundaries for yourself. It’s very easy to get addicted to it, I’m sure, you know, we’ve all just been caught scrolling and scrolling on Instagram or TikTok, and so it can be really dangerous for things like that. But as far as the creative side of it in the community aspect, I mean my account and all my followers, we are a community we all encourage each other and comment on each other’s [post] and share each other’s posts. And that’s the cool thing about social media, is you’re able to reach such a wide audience across the country in the world that you wouldn’t be able to otherwise through social media

Okay, let’s move on to your second action plan, which has two parts, the first part being your platform. What is your platform and why did you choose it?

My platform is “Revive: Healing in Motion,” and it’s all about discussing the mental and physical benefits of dance and how dance is truly a form of therapy in an art form that everyone is welcome to practice. And so it all started, like I said, with my mom’s restaurant, all of her employees are women coming out of faith-based recovery programs. And so growing up in this environment, I’ve just been able to really see how much people’s lives can change when they’re provided with healthy coping mechanisms. But, I also know that addiction doesn’t just affect the user, it affects the entire family. So, my direct line of, you know, influences directed towards the kids at Teen Challenge. And so I work with them to provide them with healthy coping mechanisms because they have to transition back into a life with their parents without substance abuse. And I’ve been able to expand my platform to the schools in my community, and even some community events. And I chose this platform because I have been dancing since the age of two. You do the math, that’s 14 years, so a really long time. It has become a part of my life and has really been my way to cope and let out any emotional stress I may be feeling. And so that is what prompted me to establish my platform as my personal experience with dance and my mom’s restaurant.

Let’s now move on to what you’ve said about the Miss Louisiana Volunteer System. What is the Miss Volunteer America about? And what does the organization mean to you?

Yeah, so when Miss Ann [Harmon] first asked me to compete in this organization and the pageant, I looked it up and I saw the website and I was like, “Oh my gosh, I love this!” I love the five points of the crown, in which each point is a letter, and the letters spell out SERVE. And so they stand for Scholarship, Education, Responsibility, Volunteerism, and Empowerment. And I just loved that. And I love the community-based aspect of it and the emphasis on volunteering because I come from a small town where giving back is so important. And it’s, you know, very encouraged in the youth and the students growing up in our town. And so to be able to represent an organization that has the same values and morals as me is so important. And I’m so excited to go to nationals and meet other girls that have the same values and are doing things in their community and making a difference.

Let’s again switch gears. You are so proud to have grown up in a small town. Minden has this reputation of being one of those quaint little towns in Louisiana. What are the things that you love about Minden? When people drive by Interstate 20 and see the exits going to Minden, what do will expect to see?

Minden is a very… small but loving and supportive community. We are a town of about 13,000 or 14,000, but it feels like everyone knows everyone kind of. And it’s very supportive, next week, well, not next weekend, but the next weekend is actually our St. Jude weekend. And so, we do this big auction and all the town donate stuff. And we all just come together to raise money for the kids at St. Jude. And we raise over a million dollars every year. And so it’s a huge deal. And I just love that about Minden. And I love how we can just come together, you know, no matter where we come from or who we are really in our background, we can come together and band together for one cause and for one message. And that’s what I love about Minden. And I think it’s such a great place for you to live and just raise a family or whatever because it is so safe and so supportive.

Let’s now talk about this year’s Miss Louisiana Volunteer. The pageant had found its new home in Natchitoches, LA. What is your favorite part of the whole three days of your stay?

My favorite part was Friday, we had rehearsals that morning and then we got to do a Walk of Beauty, in which we got to walk down Front Street, which is right by the river, which is the best part of Natchitoches, in my opinion, is the river. And we got to meet all the sponsors and do a little shopping and just have fun with all the girls. And it was so fun just to meet everybody who has poured into the pageant and really created a nice home for the Miss Louisiana Volunteer Pageant. I really think Natchitoches is gonna really, really support this organization because they are also a small town. And I think they love that this is more community and volunteer-based.

You, of course won the crown this year, and last year you were first runner-up. What has motivated you to come back, do better, and finally win the crown this year?

The funny thing about placing first runner-up is it’s exciting, but it’s also discouraging because you were so close, so you want to know like, “Oh, where can I improve? What can I do better?” I want, you know, I really wanted to win not only for the scholarship money and the opportunities, but I wanted to represent an organization that I truly believe in. An organization that has changed my life and so many other lives. And so, as you know, I started working with PR Pageant Coaches and they are the best! They really just honed in on my “why” and why I was competing and how I was going to become my best self to win this pageant and win nationals. So, it really has been an incredible journey. I would say the thing that encouraged me is just I really wanted to represent this organization. I love everything it stands for. I love all the titleholders that I’ve met through this organization and that really just encouraged me to keep going because this was a goal I set for myself and I’ve reached one goal and I’ve got another one to reach in March. So, it’s gonna be exciting!


You’ve worked with PR Pageant Coaches. What is your history with them? And also with the other people whom you’ve worked with behind the scenes?

My cousin Kayla [Divelbiss–Rodriguez], she competed for Miss Louisiana USA and Miss Louisiana (America).I want to say, 10 or so years ago. And she worked with Jules and her team. And then my mom also knows Jules because they did a, I think, fitness program together, you know, it was virtual and they’ve been friends for a long time, and then after I was first runner-up last year Jules was like, “Okay, I think we could really help her. I think we could help her get to the crown” and obviously, they did. So, I worked with Jules and her whole team and they’re just all incredible! I would recommend it to everyone, but she’s mine! So, you know, I’m a little, I’m a kind of a gatekeeper when it comes to her, but she’s incredible! I think everybody needs a Jules in their life! But I’ve worked, I’ve worked with them for about a year. I started working with them in February of last year. So, coming up on our first anniversary, so it has been so fun getting to know all of them and working with them and they truly have made the world of a difference and not just my on-stage presence but an interview and just who I am and everything of the sort. They have just been incredible.

A few days after Miss America, Jules posted a reel on the PR Pagent Coaches’ Instagram one of the virtual mock interview sessions that her team had done last year where both Noelia Voigt and Madison Marsh are present, and you also happen to be sitting there as well. How does it feel like being on that Zoom call with the future Miss USA and future Miss America?

Yes, and I remember, okay, so, the first one was with Miss USA, Noelia [Voigt]; and that Zoom was in May, and I remember, because I had watched her for a year, I watched her compete in Alabama, and then, I knew she was competing for Utah. Like “This girl is gonna win!” And I was so intimidated getting on there! And I was like “Oh my gosh! She’s like a celebrity to me!” Like, I was so nervous but she was so sweet! When she won Miss USA, I was like, “Oh my gosh!” I was telling everybody I know her because, like, that’s Noelia Voigt, Miss USA, right? <giggling> And then the next zoom, that one was, I think the one with Madi [Marsh] was in the fall. It was in the fall. And this was, or maybe not, when, I’m not sure when Miss Colorado was, but it was a couple of weeks right before Miss Colorado. And I was like, “Oh my gosh, this girl is incredible. She’s an Air Force pilot. She is a Harvard student.” You know, she was just so cool. And then she won Miss Colorado. And I was like, “Oh my gosh, she might win Miss America.” And then me and, you know, Izzy [Gray], we were watching the Miss America pageant, and we freaked out because we were like, “Oh my gosh, she won!” Like “I know her and she’s incredible. She’s all these.” And so yeah, it was really cool. I was definitely intimidated when I was on the Zoom call, but you know, they’re the sweetest people. You kind of forget that they are these big celebrities because they are just so down-to-earth and genuine. But I think it’s pretty cool to say that I was on a Zoom call with both of them!

I first knew you through your best friend, Izzy Gray. Can you tell me more about your friendship with her?

I met Izzy when I was, I think six or seven, her parents were the pastor at a church. And then we started going to that church. And we just hit it off instantly. And we have stayed in touch for a while. And she when she started competing in pageants, I was like, “Oh my gosh, let me help you! I just love pageants!” So, she started in the Miss America Organization two years ago and to see her growth has been really, really enjoyable. And she really does enjoy pageants as much as I do. So it’s fun to have, you know, those close friends that you grow up with and then you can bond with them through pageantry. So, we’re great friends, honestly. And we love to, every time we go dress shopping or wardrobe shopping, we’re always sending each other pictures, we’re always on the phone, like talking about appearances and stuff like that. So it’s really good. And I just love her and I am so excited to see how she does in Miss Louisiana’s Teen.

I remember you telling me last year that you’ve choreographed her routine [for Miss Louisiana’s Teen], right?

Yeah! And that was the first time we had met, me and you.

Let’s talk about Raven Ramsey! You’ve been one of the girls she has been sharing in her Instagram stories since last year. What was the extent of her involvement in your pageant prep?

Well, obviously, I knew Raven just through mutuals like you, and Jules, and [some other] people. And so, I reached out to her back in the Spring and she was very open to me being one of her pageant nieces. And so I wasn’t able to do a lot of preparation with her personally just because I mean, this school year has been so hectic and everything But we did text a little here and there. And it was so funny when she reposted something from Jules Instagram on her Instagram story. And she was like “Tell a friend! And tell a friend! She’s back!” <laughing> And I was like I was just cracking up because it was so funny! <giggling> And then she posted me and Leanna. And she’s just hilarious and I just love how honest she is! She’ll give you her opinion no matter what and I just love that! <laughing>

Aside from Noelia, Madison, and your cousin. Who else in pageantry do you look up to?

Oh, definitely Hannah Perrigin, Miss Volunteer America. I have loved her. I remember when she won Miss Mississippi Volunteer, I was like, “Oh, I know this girl is winning Nationals.” She is just everything that the Miss Volunteer America organization stands for. And when she won Nationals, I was like, “That’s it. I can literally tell the future!” She won and I was freaking out. And then I found out that she was going to be emceeing at Miss Louisiana Volunteer [this year] and I flipped out even more. I was like, “Oh my gosh, I’m going to meet her.” And then I met her and it was so fun. We got a bunch of pictures together and it’s so cool. I think this year was really my year to win because last year if I had won, I wouldn’t have gotten the opportunity to meet Hannah. But this year, I got to meet her and she also got to help assist in the crowning for me. And so that was really cool. And so, I looked up to her for the past year. She is just beautiful and humble and empowering and kind! I just love everything about her. I’m so excited to see her again in March because I just literally love her and look up to her so much.

Hannah and Noelia share something in common, they both have tried several times before they won their respective crowns. How does their motivation inspire you?

I remember with Noelia, she placed first runner-up at Miss Alabama USA twice, and then first runner-up at Miss Florida Teen USA [in 2018] and that was so encouraging because she didn’t give up. And then she went on to win Miss USA which is such a big deal and I remember just watching her compete on Instagram and through just hearing things about her I was like, “Man, I want to be like her like even though I placed first runner up I still want to keep going and go all the way to Nationals!” And same thing with Hannah, she was first runner-up at Miss Mississippi USA two times in a row and then she went to Miss Mississippi Volunteer and won and then won Nationals. And that’s also a huge deal. And so having both of those role models in my life really encouraged me because I did place first runner up and I was hesitant to go back because I was like “Well, you know, what if I what if it happens again?” And luckily it didn’t. But if it did, I would just have to, you know, keep trying because they did and so it’s the same for me. So, their encouragement and their stories, in general, have really played a huge role in me becoming Miss Louisiana Teen Volunteer.

You have met many Louisiana titleholders and are friends with some of them. Could you describe how your relationship is with some of them?

I’m friends with a lot of the girls in the Miss Volunteer, I mean, in the Miss Louisiana (America) Organization, Anna Claire Lemoine, we’ve danced together for years. And so, she competes at Miss Louisiana in June. And then, I know Melissa Le, she was the first ever Miss Louisiana Teen Volunteer. And we still talk all the time to this day, we are really good friends. And then, I know Avery Harris, she, you know, is in the Miss Louisiana Teen USA system. I love her, I got to meet her for the first time at Miss Louisiana Teen Volunteer! And she is just the cutest, sweetest thing EVER! And I also know, I know, the majority of the titleholders I know in Louisiana are in the Miss America Organization, but Sydney Sotak is Miss Louisiana High [School America], and she competed at Miss Louisiana Teen Volunteer, but I know her, she’s the cutest little redhead ever. She is going to do so well at Miss High School America. So yeah, I know, the funny thing in Louisiana is like we are a smaller state, so it’s really nice to, you know, form those connections across different organizations. So it’s really fun getting to know all of them.

Let’s finish off with shoutouts to your sponsors and the people who have been involved behind the scenes.

Ava: Yes. So I’m going to start with my sponsors first. Faulkenberys in Meridian, Mississippi is sponsoring my nationals gown. I picked it up last weekend. It is, I don’t even have words to describe it. I call it “The AVA!” though because this gown is so me! I’m not going to say the color or the style. I want to do a big surprise! But, they have just been incredible in this journey. I got my state gown from them and they were so helpful. I love Miss Amy [Willis], the owner, and Miss Ashley. Truly, if you need a dress, I mean, there are other places too, but Faulkenberys is just so incredible and I’m so grateful for their support and their sponsorship. And then Sloan’s Formals in Bossier and Shreveport have also been incredible. I’ve shopped with them for years. Like I’ve always gotten my pageant wardrobe from them and they’re sponsoring my opening number outfit. So, I got my opening number dress from them last weekend as well. It is beautiful! It is my ode to Louisiana. I wanted to do something that reminded me of Louisiana. So, that’s kind of what is, you know, a little hint! A little hint there. And then my spray tan sponsor, Gleaux by Kelsea, she is in Minden, Louisiana. She is the best out there. I just love her so much. She always has me looking tan and she’s going to do my tan for the Mardi Gras parade tomorrow (January 27). So, I’m really excited. And then also Gary Jones, who is a spray tan artist in Shreveport. He is incredible too. I don’t have a lot of time to get over to Shreveport just because I’m always dancing and pageant stuff. But when I’m in there, when I’m over there, he is the person to go to in Shreveport. He is so good! And then, I want to thank PR Pageant Coaches, of course, Jules [Meyer], Carlos [Morales], Stephanie [Jacques], Brooke [Eneas], everybody that has poured into me, they have just been so incredible on this crazy, but fun and exciting journey. I literally, pageant week would have been a totally different story without them. They just have made such a difference in my life and in my mom’s life. I mean, we have just learned and grown so much with them. Obviously, my parents, they have made so many sacrifices for me to become Miss Louisiana Teen Volunteer. I can’t imagine the times that they have taken off work to run errands with me or have driven me across the state to make appearances. So, they truly have just been the best pageant parents ever! And then obviously God, He is the person who ordained this opportunity for me! And obviously, all the glory goes to Him! I didn’t win this title by accident. He has organized and this is part of His plan for me. And it is His plan for me to go to nationals and have the best time of my life. So I’m so grateful to Him for His favor and for His peace and grace that I have just encountered every day for the past year. And it has been such an incredible road and roller coaster at the same time! But there are so many more people I could thank, but, you know, I can’t think of everybody at the same time! But all my friends that came out to support me that really was very, very heartwarming because Natchitoches is just pretty far from Minden. And so for them to drive down and come see me and watch me compete was so important. And I want to give a shoutout to my little princess, Emily Grace. She is the cutest ever! She dances at my dance studio. And so I teach her class. I teach with a couple of the girls and I teach her class and her mom is the sweetest. They were so helpful during pageant week. We have an appearance tomorrow together, which is gonna be really fun. And so just everybody that has encouraged me, even you and Raven [Ramsey], like you just being a part of the journey has made this even more fun. So, so many people who have been a part of this but too many to thank I love them all and would not be where I am without any of you guys!


Daniel B’s Comments

Ava was crowned as the third Miss Louisiana Teen Volunteer last January 13, 2024. Her win this year proves that timing is everything! The skills Ava learned since last year not only prepared her to compete on stage and win the crown, it also prepared her to become a good state titleholder! She had learned how to reach out to schools and organizations for appearances, write letters to potential sponsors, and collaborate with other titleholders in Louisiana from other pageant systems. I do not doubt that Ava will make Louisiana proud as she goes to compete at Miss Teen Volunteer America this March!

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